Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of the Homeowners Association (HOA)?

The HOA is responsible for managing and maintaining common areas, enforcing community rules and regulations, and collecting dues to fund shared expenses such as landscaping, security, and amenities.

What is the HOA Board?

A volunteer group of neighbors who are elected to make decisions regarding the administration, management and operations of matters pertaining to the neighborhood. 

Can I make modifications to my property?

Modifications to your property may require approval from the HOA's architectural review committee. It is important to consult the HOA guidelines and obtain proper permissions before making any alterations.

How are HOA board members elected?

HOA board members are typically elected by the community's homeowners. The election process, including nomination procedures and voting, is outlined in the HOA's governing documents. Homeowners are encouraged to participate in the election process and consider serving on the board to contribute to the community's decision-making process.

How can I get involved in the HOA?

There are several ways to get involved in the HOA. You can attend board meetings, join committees or volunteer for community events. Additionally, you can run for a position on the board during elections. Active participation allows you to have a voice in shaping the community and fostering a sense of belonging. Our neighborhood only works through the volunteer contributions of our HOA members, so thank you for asking how you can help!